Around 14 million people in the UK alone have bunions with the majority being women over 45. From genetics and pregnancy to footwear and health conditions, there are many ways we can develop bunions. Although many people don’t suffer any discomfort with their bunions, inflammation and pain can seem to appear from nowhere. We’ve put together our favourite top tips on how to care for your bunions at home.


1.      Space Your Toes Out

Although toe spacers may not help with improved alignment of your feet permanently, they will provide some temporary pain relief during walking, running, and general foot usage while using them. Use toe spacers between your big toe and adjacent toe to support and align the joint at night or while wearing shoes to reduce the pressure on your toes. The use of toe spacers may also reduce callouses or pain in the second toe due to the reduced friction and rubbing from the big toe.


2.      Cushion Your Bunions

Bunion cushions will do just that, cushion your bunions from any friction and pressure caused by your shoes resting against your bunion. Bunion cushions are usually the same size as your bunion and are filled with materials such as gel, silicone, or felt. However, due to the adhesive backing on most bunion cushions, they may not be suitable for everybody’s skin type.


3.      Choose Bunion-Friendly Footwear

We all have a pair of shoes that hurt our feet, but we just can’t let them go… However, your favourite high heels or narrow dress shoes can cause the misalignment of the big toe joint – causing bunions. Make sure your toes have plenty of room, the shoes are supportive, and you’re wearing the correct size for your feet! Although there is no quick fix for bunions, choosing the correct footwear will help stop them from worsening.


4.      Rest Your Feet

We spend so long on our feet every day; they deserve a rest. Put your favourite show on and put your feet up, doctors’ orders...! Spending too long on your feet puts pressure on your veins, leading to leg and foot pain and muscle tension. Sometimes, when bunions are particularly painful, we shift our foot and put more pressure on the ball of our foot, when this happens you can suffer from inflammation and swelling. Elevating and resting your feet can help the swelling to reduce and the pain subsides.


5.      Bunion Exercises

Physical therapy is the most highly recommended course of treatment before surgery becomes a necessity. This doesn’t have to involve time-consuming trips to hospitals, bunion exercises can be done from the comfort of your sofa whilst watching TV or as an excuse to take a trip to the beach.

Our favourite bunion exercises:

  • Toe Stretches

Using a hard surface, place your foot flat and spread your toes apart as far as they will comfortably go without using your hands. Repeat this position around 15 times per foot – remember to keep your feet flat and heel down.

  • Marble Grabbing

Although grabbing marbles with your toes sounds comical, it’s a common physiotherapy exercise for your feet. Place the marbles on the floor in front of you then see if you can pick them up with your toes – it’s as simple as that! Don’t worry if you struggle to pick them up, with practice your toes will strengthen over time.

  • Toe Flexing

A lot of toe and feet exercises are very simple, toe flexing is no different. Press your toes against a wall or hard surface (remain seated or press against the ground if you’re concerned about your balance and stability), flex your toes, and hold this for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 4 times.

  • Sun, Sea, & Sand

During spring and summer, the beach is a fantastic place to spend your time if you have bunions. Walking along the sand is a great workout for your feet, due to the effort your feet must put in to keep you stable, walking along the beach can strengthen your toes alongside a great massage from the sand.


There are also many ways you can relieve the pain and inflammation in your feet from the comfort of your home. We’ve put together some great top tips to heal and rest your feet here!


NOTE: These tips are to help manage your bunions and ease foot pain at home. Your doctor or podiatrist may recommend bunion surgery known as an Osteotomy.