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We talk frequently about how Strive footwear can help improve posture, but why is it important to have and maintain a healthy posture? We talk frequently about how Strive footwear can help improve posture, but why is it important to have and maintain a healthy posture?
Here are 5 main reasons:
1. BALANCE – A good posture helps with our centre of gravity and balance. Having good balance helps to reduce the risk of trips and falls.
2. DIGESTION – A good posture frees and opens our rib cage helping to increase the efficiency of food flow.
3. CONCENTRATION – Studies have shown that a good posture can improve concentration and mental performance.
4. ENERGY – A good posture opens our lungs more to help us breathe easier. This allows us to breathe deeper (rather than short breaths) which allows more oxygen to flow through our bodies giving us more energy.
5. HEALTHY BACK – A good posture helps reduce common stresses that can occur from having a poor posture and prevent aches and pains.
Achieving a good posture can start at your feet as all Strive footwear holds them in an optimum position to help minimize harmful stresses, which in turn, can help prevent the common aches and pains from having a poor posture.